Tuesday 28 January 2014


It's 1am by my time now and am up as usual because of my hard working alarm clock. As I sit on the sofa in the sitting room with a cold glass of juice, I reminisce about my wasted years regardless of my low sense of humour. After publishing a couple of articles,today I feel I should inspire some upcoming artistes by sharing my ideas with them.

Music is all about vocals, instrument and sounds combined in a pleasing way to give a pleasant melody. Music is a life time business; in fact, music is the most commercial business in the universe.
Music is a career and could also be seen as an occupation, people are making thousands, millions and even building mansions through music. One basic thing in life is to know what your doing, You might spend time doing the wrong things perfectly, but you might not achieve from it. I don't think it is compulsory to study music but howbeit you should know a bit of what you're going into. Am not saying you should compel yourself into music. NO! Music is a God giving talent, your duty is to nurture and utilize it.
For those into reggae, you must not scream into the microphone and make everything noisy. Listen to the late  kings of reggae, Lucky Dube and Bob Marley, and you'll get the idea am expressing.

In addition,It's doesn't matter who started before you, or how, where and when you started,its your hardwork and commitment that will tell. Strive hard,your future is not guarantee,your future is a reward,don't wait to get better before you try, it's the more you try the better you get. Don't be shy, be versatile, learn to be substantive (it means existing in reality) Stay abject because pride is the way down. Never debase yourself, but instead, encourage and motivate yourself, assail and be an assailant of your dreams. NO MATTER HOW SMALL OR UNIMPORTANT OF WHAT WE ARE DOING, IF WE PUT MORE EFFORT IT MAY BECOME A STEP THAT WILL LEAD US TO OUR BETTER DAYS.

As an upcoming artiste aiming to get more downloads and shares, try as much as possible not to debut a single singing about girls,clubs etc. Don't title a song and sing a different thing from its title. I feel why most people don't give ears to upcoming artistes is because they feel everyone is singing the same thing, maybe about girls etc. Be creative,listen to good music, make out time to listen to other upcoming artiste too, but don't mortify anyone, rather learn to rapport, let people around you know what your into, be munificent, avail to any opportunity and maximize opportunity too. be plucky, life is a race, crowds are running after you, if you slack or fall you'll be overtaken and no one will pick you or wait for you. Be consistent, GETTING TO THE TOP IS DIFFICULT BUT STAYING ON TOP IS MORE DIFFICULT. We know the journey of a man is not easy,but God's special Grace will take us to our destination

In conclusion,Stop attaching or depending on another man's work, you were born alone, no one was attached to you. The arrival of money is the departure of insult because there is no dignity in begging. Life is not a rehearsal ground, life is a battle field,so be violent because there is no gentleman at the warfront. Time is no longer on our side, time is like a killer disease, therefore, we must kill time in rehearsing or exercise because no one excels in anything without exercise. Take responsibility for your mistakes, don't  live above your standard.
As an artist you should have professionals and a powerful team who are ready to push you to the top. It is essential that you have the following:
         •A mentor & a coach
         •Room for sound checks
         •Room for critics/criticism

Above all,We should allow our educational suave to reflect on our lyrics in other to charm the soul, Music requires your 80/90 percent of education for easy interaction, etc. On the contrary, music never prevents you from schooling or looking irresponsible. THE WORTH OF A MAN IS NOT IN HIS DRESS BUT IN HIS ADDRESS. Your worth is in your value to men not in the things you put on. Responsibility is the prize for greatness. The wisdom of a man makes his face shine,grab knowledge,be smart in order to get likes from your fans.
Remember forward ever backward never,don't give up,pay no attention to Gossips,I promise you this,you'll make it there.


This is a primarily article for women rights argument,so I won't emphasize much on this so you can have rooms for your opinion, either you support or oppose the motion in which other ways.
Abortion in a general sense is said to be the terminating of unwanted foetus.

Following the controversy and conflict abortion has generated in the world as a result of it medical interpretation, Some medical science believe this act is willful and help to avoid the incur. In spite of what am seeing in the society today like a teenage pregnant girl,if am not mistaken she should be on her junior secondary level, now who's to blame,the parent, teacher or what they watch on the screen. Even seeing a baby been deliver and dump in the toilet, waste bin,or uncompleted building, this act is squalid or terrible to the sight.

This leads some people to claim that it unethical to ban Abortion because doing so denies freedom of choice to women and force the unwilling to bear the unwanted, in my own perspective, engaging oneself in this act could cause a fallacy that might lead to dilapidated ruin in the worm,that without God intervention it might cause marriage clash, but since women have right to decide what to do with their bodies so we should consider them as person too, not just container for foetus, but the promiscuous women should also consider themselves and our society too.

Abortion by law and in some religious is illicit, and if we abstain from  this proscribe act  then
there be a curtail of marriage clash, robbery, illiteracy,even the rate at which this deadly sexual transmitted disease is been contacted will reduce,because everyone will be self conscious by avoiding unprotected sex. But some  obstinate doctor's won't be dogmatic about this opinion, because the desire of lucre(money) has violate the law, and they succumb to this act in the name of help.

In Conclusion,On the contrary if we overlook the controversy it would generate and set our society on the right track by abstaining or avoiding this act, there's every tendency to say we'll have a better community. So i urge you to comply, concord and avoid this forbidden act,avoid unprotected sex, and live long for your love one's.